
What should we make of the chatbot ChatGPT?

20 February 2023

What can the ChatGPT language model do and what challenges does the technology pose? Scientists from various academic disciplines offer their view.

The impact of ChatGPT on academic and social life is still widely discussed, also by our experts from LMU. The LMU press room has published interviews concerning the role of ChatGPT with [Prof. Dr. Barbara Plank]( (Chair for AI and Computational Linguistic), [Dr. Florian Schultz-Pernice]( (Coordinator of the DigiLLab), and [Prof. Dr. Matthias Leistner]( (Chair of Private Law and Intellectual Property Law, with Information and IT-Law). Furthermore, a panel discussion between LMU experts from different disciplines on ChatGPT and its implications took place and a recording is now available online. [Read more here](

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